martes, enero 25, 2011

Central Embassy en Bangkok

Parece que no sólo hay buen padthai en Bangkok, las grandes capitales de Asia están acaparando la vanguardia contemporánea.


Primer proyecto de Frank Ghery en OZ

Capaz que esperamos mucho de los maestros, capaz que los maestros delegan más de lo que los mortales esperamos. La cosa es que del creador de los proyectos Guggenheim todos esperamos más que una caja arrugada, por más que sea para albergar una aburridísima escuela de comercio.
Al fin y al cabo, ahí se forman los que inventarán las crisis, los que esclavizarán a la humanidad de 9 a 5, la sola enunciación de la mórbida contradicción debería dar para exotar las neuronas de uno que supo doblar las rectas y colgarse de los planos modernos para desarmarlos desde la contemporaneidad.

Sydney Morning Herald

New York Theater City

New York is, without a doubt, one of the main contemporary capitals of the world. Nowadays, Broadway has become a tourist attraction that brings people from all over the world. It is very hard to find new plays in Broadway authentic theatres, and it’s shows are basically based in the British musical theatre and have famous Hollywood stars in the main roles just to captivate the audience.
ArchMedium wants to propose the design of the New York Theatre City It is an urban theatre campus where smaller companies can dispose of rehearsal spaces, and the new spectacles can show themselves to the world offering an always young, new and different cultural activity.


•President of the jury Willy Müller
•Projects Josep Ferrando
•Architect especialist in NY María Rubert
•Architect especialist in theatres Antoni Ramón
•Architect and Director of “ESMUC” Pau Monterde


1st Prize

2500 Euros. Project publication on “WA”+”TC Cuadernos” + “Future magazine”. One-year subscription to ON Diseño magazine. Exposition at the Architecture School of Barcelona ETSAB/UP and Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires.

2nd Prize

1000 Euros. Project publication on TC Cuadernos magazine. One-year subscription to ON Diseño magazine. Exposition at the Architecture School of Barcelona ETSAB/UPC and Buenos Aires.

3rd Prize

500 Euros. Project publication on “WA”+”TC Cuadernos” + “Future magazine”.. One year subscription to ON Diseño magazine Exposition at the Architecture School of Barcelona ETSAB/UPC and and Buenos Aires.

10 Honorable mentions

Project publication on “WA”+”TC Cuadernos” + “Future magazine”. Exposition at the Architecture School of Barcelona ETSAB/UPC and Buenos Aires

ARCH Medium